Greetings from Uganda

As Refuge was gathered together on Sunday morning, Max and Nicolai filmed a short video to update us on their recent activities. Check out this video to hear more from the guys about what they've been up to. 

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Refuge Media
Guest Speaker: Mike Neglia

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hearing from Mike Neglia - a missionary and pastor in Ireland. Having attended Bible college together, Char and Mike are dear friends. Char wrote a little bit about him so you all can know more about this person who spoke at Refuge and the work that the Lord has called him to. 

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Refuge Media
Why the church should neither cave nor panic about the decision on gay marriage

As I write this, the Supreme Court has handed down what will be the “Roe v. Wade” of marriage, redefining marriage in all 50 states. This is a sober moment, and I am a conscientious dissenter from this ruling. The Court now has disregarded thousands of years of definition of the most foundational unit of society, and the cultural changes here will be broad and deep. So how should the church respond?

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Summer of Psalms

 The Psalms by and large are brutally honest to the complexities of life. The righteous man does not always do or think the right thing. The righteous does not always win or prosper the way that he should. The wicked are not miserable, they aren’t wicked in every way, and usually do not receive their justice. 

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Nearness and Likeness

We must distinguish two things which might both possibly be called “nearness to God.” One is likeness to God. God has impressed some sort of likeness to Himself, I suppose, in all that He has made. Space and time, in their own fashion, mirror His greatness; all life, His fecundity; animal life, His activity. Man has a more important likeness than these by being rational.   Angels, we believe have likenesses which Man lacks: immortality and intuitive knowledge. In that way all men, whether good or bad, all angels including those that fell, are more like God than the animals are.

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