Refuge Christian Fellowship

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Concerning Peer-Peer Funds

Refuge Family and Friends,

The generosity of this body in this time of need is humbling. The outpouring of funds to the individuals hurt most by the fires is so encouraging to see.

We would like to take a moment to inform everyone about Refuge’s perspective on this type of direct giving.

First, the generosity displayed is amazing. To whom much is given, much is required, and people are fulfilling this amazingly and we never want to discourage this attitude and action.

Secondly, we believe that while these funds are good for immediate small needs, we would encourage everyone to give to the designated fund RefugeCF created to assist those in need for the following reasons:

  • Funding programs (such as GoFundMe, YouCaring, etc…) take a percentage of the monies received as a fee for convenience and delivery. Upwards of 8% goes to the organization instead of the person intended to receive the funds.
  • The amount given, if significant, may actually keep some aid from being distributed to these individuals. If county, state, or federal grants are offered to those in need, these funds may be seen as an indication that these individuals do not qualify for help designated for relief and recovery.
  • Amounts given to some individuals may over reach their need and others without as many networking connections may go without. With the leading of the Spirit, our heart is to give that none would lack, which is a function of the church, not technology.

Our heart is to care for the Body of Christ in the most efficient, wise, and caring way possible. For this reason we have set up a fund to collect contributions and a process for distributing these funds to those who need them. If you would like to help people affected by the Sonoma County Fires by contributing funds, please click on the link above.

-The Elders at Refuge Christian Fellowship