Refuge Christian Fellowship

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Reflection of the 2016 reading list and thoughts on the coming year.

"Visit many books, but live in the Bible”  ~ Charles Spurgeon

I love to read and I love to learn. I try to make this quote a living reality in my life. As I share my reading list from 2016 I hope it goes without saying that as a follower of Jesus, the Bible is my Number 1 read and resource for all truth. I want to live in this book and yet at the same time I allow other people, writers, thinkers, philosophers, theologians, pastors and lay persons  to help me as I journey to continually understand “Our great salvation” and “the Hope to which God has called his people.”

I hope this list of books might help you to that same end. I don’t necessarily endorse everything these authors have written or said, but I have found them helpful to challenge me and my way of thinking to be more like Christ. And I hope they do the same for you. 

In this coming year, I pray more than anything else, that God might “open your eyes to behold wondrous things from His word,” so that you might be conformed to the image of His Son, all to the praise of His glorious grace.

Happy reading.
-Char Brodersen

*Books with a star are highly recommended