Refuge Christian Fellowship

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Leadership Update

This past Sunday we shared some significant changes to our elder team. With a welcoming of Carlos Valencia + Mike Wilcox as candidates for eldership, we also shared that the Brodersens will be ministering elsewhere.

We presented both Mike and Carlos as our new Elder candidates to join our current Elder team. Both these men along with their spouses and families, in our estimation meet the qualifications for eldership described in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. These men have been faithful to be examples to our church of what it looks like to follow Jesus faithfully as well as investing in your lives whether in personal ways or in more public ways of preaching, teaching and leadership. We are asking from the members of Refuge an affirmation of what the Elders have already witnessed in them. After receiving affirmation or any questions for concerns we plan to ordain them on October 25th.

Char also shared that after much prayer and conversations with friends, spiritual leaders and our Elders the Brodersens believe that God is moving them on from the ministry at Refuge.

Watch the full update below